Compost Collection For Apartment Dwellers
Denver compost collective provides a weekly food “Waste” collection service specifically for apartment dwellers in Denver!
your “waste” becomes top quality compost, supporting local nonprofit farms and the communities they serve.
collectively, we can starve the landfill, feed the soil, and support community farms right here in our city.
Sign up for collections today!
What we offer
Compost service for individuals and apartment communities
A food grade collection pail is provided for each member
Three size options available: 1.25 gallon, 2 gallons and 4 gallons
Pails come with a locking lid to control smells, spills, and curious critters
Your food “waste” is collected each week - rain/snow or shine!
Your pail is exchanged with a clean, sanitized pail
Your materials are brought to our local composting site (never trucked out of town), and are expertly processed by our Certified Master Composter
Finished compost is donated to nonprofit farms and garden projects right here in Denver!
As a member, you can request finished compost to be returned to you at no additional charge.