frequently Asked Questions

  • Email is the best way to reach us!

    Building Managers: Accounts@DenverCompostCollective.com

    Members: Members@DenverCompostCollective.com

    General Questions: Info@DenverCompostCollective.com

  • Yes! Feel free to fill out the form at the bottom of our Individual Membership page and we can discuss options and availability with you based on our current service area.

  • We only serve within Denver city limits at this time but feel free to sign-up for our newsletter and email us to let us know to put you on our waiting list so you can be contacted if we expand into your area.

  • Upon signing-up, you will receive a full list of items that can and can not go in your pail. This list is also provided via your member portal. In general, food waste (no meat, bones nor dairy) is great - but be cautious about paper products. Instead, recycle paper when you can, and only put materials in our pails that are known to be chemical-free.

  • NO! Our food grade pails are durable and built to lock in odors, prevent spills & keep out critters.

  • You can send us a request using the form found on The Collective page. One of our representatives will follow-up with you!

  • YES! If you are experiencing financial hardship please let us know when you sign-up or by emailing info@DenverCompostCollective.com

  • It will be collected and exchanged during your next regularly scheduled collection day.

  • You can pause your service for 2 weeks or more by emailing info@denvercomposcollective.com.

    We do not offer a single week pause of service at this time. If you choose to pause for 2 weeks or more, a credit will be applied to your next invoice.

  • Leave it out there! There may be certain circumstances (such as federal holidays, bad weather days, or other incidental delay) when we are unable to collect. Our policy is to stop by the following day to handle your collection.

    In the rare case that your collection is delayed for more than one day without notification from us, please email us!

  • Not yet, but we will! We are dedicated to spreading awareness of the importance of composting to community members of all ages so as we grow our educational offerings, field trips are on our mind and we hope to make them available soon. Fill out our form on The Collective page and let us know you are interested so we can put you on our waiting list.

  • We'd prefer to keep them out for a number of reasons:

    1.) The companies that make "compostable products" have not always been honest about the materials they use. There's a huge issue now of "PFAS" (forever chemicals that cause cancer) all over the world as a result of some of these companies - even ones that have been "certified".

    2.) Even for those materials that have limited PFAS and other chemicals, the packaging can be confusing (because companies want to "look" like they produce compostable products when they actually don't.

    3.) The soy or corn that went into making that bag was farmed on monoculture farmland, using all the worst chemicals, then sent to manufacturing to put out a whole lot of greenhouse gas, etc., then transported to the store where the bags are bought... So much harm done for a single-use bag!